Sunday 13 October 2019

Free topic! One of my favourite artists: Serj Tankian (230 words)

Serj Tankian is 52 years old. He is an Armenian-American artist, best known for being the lead singer of the band System of a Down, but he is a lot more than just that. Nevertheless, I’m not going to write about his personal life; you can read his Wikipedia page. I’m going to tell you about some of the many amazing things he does.
First of all, he was the lead singer of System of a Down for many years since 1994. He performed live in many countries, including Chile, and released several albums: the most famous is called ‘Toxicity’. However, he decided to leave that band to concentrate on three different things: his solo career, his painting, and his activism. Alone, Serj Tankian released 6 solo albums, including a symphonic release of his rock album called ‘Elect the dead’ and a classical symphony called ‘Orca’. Also, he worked on the soundtrack of a few films. Moreover, he started painting as a hobby and now has many works of art. Finally, one of his most impressive feats is his activism: He advocates for animal rights, environmental issues, and has been very critical of the US government and their military interventions, mainly through his music.
To sum up, Serj Tankian is an amazing artist who uses his art to make people enjoy, but more importantly, think critically. In conclusion, he is absolutely awesome.
Image result for serj tankian

Sunday 6 October 2019

Post graduate studies (220)

I started studying in my undergraduate program at UMCE 12 years ago. Then, I got a master’s degree at the same institution. When I started studying, I didn’t know I wanted to keep studying, but now I think I’m going to do it. I think that I will apply for a scholarship, because I don’t have money to pay for a program in this country. There are many options out there.
I could take some courses, what in Chile we call ‘diplomados’, to learn specific things related to my own field of studies, or to learn about something new that could help me develop as a professional and/or as a person. I could study another master’s degree in a related field. Furthermore, I could try to get a doctorate. They are expensive (if you don’t get a scholarship) and they take a lot of time, but I could try. I could even take courses that are not related to my career, to acquire new skills. Maybe I’ll try to learn a new language; just because it would be fun.
Or maybe I won’t study in any formal institution and I will dedicate myself to find informal learning instances. I don’t know. The only thing I know is that I’m sure I want to keep learning.

MY FUTURE JOB (210) I don't know.

In the future, I’m going to be a teacher. Moreover, I’m going to be working at the same place I am working now (hopefully); maybe I will work at a school, or maybe I’ll go abroad and learn more about teaching. I like my job. In an imaginary world, where I’m not a teacher, I have other ideas.
First, I would probably be a translator. I would love to create subtitles for interesting material. I would translate TV shows, movies, and documentaries. Also, I could translate papers, dissertations, and columns about all types of topic.                                                                              Second, I would work in a hostel. I wouldn’t work in a hotel, because they are too fancy. It gives me the possibility of learning new languages, meeting new people, and learn new things. Or something similar. I could be a tour guide in a museum, but I don’t really like museums.                            Third, I would love to work in a library. I was a very good reader when I was young, but now I don’t read as much as I used to. Then, I would have the opportunity of reading many different books of many different genres.
However, I think I’m going to be a teacher. That’s what I like and that’s what I’m trained to do.